Energy Services
Energy Services
Let us help you save energy $$$$$!
The CAPCO Energy Services Department utilizes a staff of highly trained individuals to install energy saving measures for income eligible households. We strive to make your home more affordable by using Weatherization techniques to conserve energy.
Our department has several components, and each has its own rules and targeted population.
Energy Saving Measures include insulation, heating systems, hot water tank systems, air sealing, inspecting combustion appliances, bathroom & kitchen ventilation, refrigerator efficiency testing, CO & smoke detector installation, and a health & safety check of the home.
Our department has several programs with different income guidelines and eligibility requirements:
If you have any questions in regards to any of these programs, please contact our office directly at at 607-344-3112 or via email to You may also call the CAPCO Main Office at 607-753-6781.. We would be happy to help you.

Weatherization Assistance Program
Cortland & Tompkins County residents.What does the WAP program do?
- Insulate floors, walls, and attics
- Repair & Replace heating systems
- Repair & Replace Hot water tanks
- Reduce drafts - air seals - caulking and weather-strip
- Bathroom & Kitchen Ventilation
- Inspect combustion appliances
- Test efficiency of refrigerators
- Install carbon monoxide and smoke detectors
- Minor repairs
- Health & Safety check of the home
- This is a FREE service (to eligible clients) - No Liens apply!!
- Homeowner / or renter*
- Low income - 60% of State Median (see Eligibility Guidelines)
- Households that receive HEAP, SSI, PA recipient and SNAP are eligible
* Audit fee may apply or rental property.
*Landlords must have 50% of your tenant's income eligible in order for us to weatherize your building. This program is free to income eligible landlords see Eligibility Guidelines.
Applying for the Weatherization Assistance Program:
Using the link below, print the application and mail to us with the required documentation.
For application assistance, contact us at or call us directly at 607-344-3112. You may also call the CAPCO Main Office at 607-753-6781.
Note: For Cortland and Tompkins County residents only. If you have received weatherization services in the past 15 years you are not eligible.
For more information about this program, see our Links Page.

EmPower+ Program
Cortland & Tompkins County residents.
What does the EmPower+ program do?
- Electrical Reduction measures & education
- Replacement of inefficient refrigerators & freezers
- Conversion of Dryers - Electric to Natural Gas
- Programmable Thermostat
- LED light bulbs, night lights
- Installation of Smoke & CO detectors
- Pipe Insulation
- Showerheads
- Home performance - Weatherization services (see WAP)
- Referred by CAPCO and must be National Grid, or NYSEG customers
- Low income - 60% State median or below (see Eligibility Guidelines)
- Homeowner or Renter (with Landlord Permission)
To sign up for this program
If you are interested in learning more about this program or signing up, please Contact Us.

CAPCO Energy Savers
What does the Energy Savers program do?
- Insulating floors, walls, and attics
- Air Sealing
- Upgrade to high efficiency furnaces
- Replacement/Repairs to hot water tanks
- Clean & Tune of a Heating System
- NO Income Requirements
- Residential & Commercial Buildings
- Audit Fee Charged (contract negotiated with owner and CAPCO)
Contact our office to schedule a Comprehensive Building Assessment (Energy Audit). The audit uses a number of diagnostic tools (Blower door, Infrared camera, CO Analyzer) to take inventory of the current conditions in your home, including the following:
- Insulation Levels
- Air Infiltration rates
- Appliance Efficiency- Furnaces, hot water tanks, etc.

Eligibility Guidelines
- Must be a Cortland County or a Tompkins County Resident
- 60% of State Median or Below
Household Size | Gross Monthly Income | Gross Annual Income |
1 | $3,322 | $39,864 |
2 | $4,345 | $52,140 |
3 | $5,367 | $64,404 |
4 | $6,390 | $76,680 |
5 | $7,412 | $88,944 |
6 | $8,434 | $101,208 |
7 | $8,626 | $103,512 |
To figure your gross monthly income:
Gross income is before taxes and deductions. Take all household income for every member. Conversion factors that must be used:
- Paid Weekly - multiply by 4.3
- Bi-weekly - multiply by 2.15
- Gross weekly income varies - average for the previous four weeks
- Salary - divide by 12
- Self - employed - use business records for 3 months prior
For more information about these programs, visit these links..

Need help or know of someone who needs help? Fill out the form below or call us today.
Need help or know of someone who needs help? Fill out the form below or call us today.
Cortland County Community
Action Program
32 North Main St. Cortland NY 13045
Phone: (607) 753-6781
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm